Comments on: How to Underline in Google Sheets – Easy 2024 Guide Google Sheets Tips & Tutorials Tue, 02 Jan 2024 02:52:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sara Thu, 09 Mar 2023 13:17:39 +0000 Hi, I like to use double underline to circle important tables in my reports, it makes it look pretty.
However, I have a small problem with it, and I’ve been unable to find a pattern on how to re-produce and also how to solve it.
Usually when I use the double underline on a cell or a group of cells, the outer line is just the outer line, no issue there. The inner line though, should make the same shape, just like 1 px margin, so to speak. This usually works smoothly, but sometimes the inner line do not stop at the inner line margin place when it comes to the end of the last cell, it goes to outer line and thus creating a break in the pattern.
It is quite disruptive to me and causing me a headache to merge more cells where it acts correctly, and just. ugh. it’s a small nightmare, because I can not just add more cells and columns and rows everytime I encounter this.

I have tried to add the lines in different order, to remove all nearby lines, to add or remove formatting, content, color. Just about anything.

If anyone has any solid advice or article on this, please help.

I tried to adjust to just using thick lines instead, but it doesn’t “do it for me”, please help me with my nitpicking. *crying in corporate*
