The Best Habit Tracker Google Sheets Templates

The best habit tracker spreadsheet templates help you visualize your progress with an interactive worksheet. And whatโ€™s the best way to start the new year? For me, it starts with a renewed journey of self-improvement using an intuitive habit tracker Google Sheets template.

In this article, I discuss five habit tracker Google Sheets templates.

Best Habit Tracker Google Sheets Templates

Here are the top five habit trackers in Google Sheets. I made each of them with a different purpose. The exercise tracker helps you stay on pace for a specific fitness goal. The sobriety tracker keeps track of how long you’ve maintained a goal form a specific date, and the others are more traditional alternatives to habit tracker apps. They help you develop new habits by tracking daily, monthly, or annual tasks.

Exercise Tracker

Of course, one of the main reasons I use a habit tracker is because I want to track exercise. I regularly use mine to track the frequency and speed of my runs. I also have a target goal for the year, and the spreadsheet allows me to track my progress.

Setting an annual goal and tracking progress is one way to build a habit. That’s what this spreadsheet template does.

Setting an annual goal and tracking progress is one way to build a habit.

Here’s my running distance tracker. It’s pretty simple. Just enter the distance and month, and the charts automatically update. It also shows how close you are to hitting a yearly goal.

Access Template

I initially made this as a new years resolution, so annual goals seemed important. I call it my running distance tracker, because I set a distance goal and track it here. That helps me build a habit with regular tracking.

The formulas here are very simple. In cell E3, I just sum the distance.


Then, I have a static goal in cell E4. That means I can just divide those two for a percent-to-goal calculation.



Sobriety Tracker

An online spreadsheet template makes an excellent sobriety tracker. Mine just requires one piece of information. Then you can bookmark it and check back for the most important piece of information: How long you’ve been sober.

Access Template

Here’s what it looks like.

This sobriety calculator tracks how many days, months, and years since your last drink.

The calculations for this spreadsheet are simple. Once you enter the date you want to start tracking in cell B2, the rest of the tracker updates automatically.

And if you want to do it yourself, check out the formulas I used. The key to the sobriety tracker is hidden in the photo above. It’s a super simple formula.

It's a subtraction calculation with the today formula.

Cell B9 calculates the number of days since the start date. Here’s what it looks like.


If you’ve been following my guides closely, you’ll know that the today function tracks today’s date. It also updates automatically.

And if you entered your start date in the correct format, the sobriety tracker spreadsheet never needs to be updated again. As long as your start date doesn’t change, you can just visit the sheet on the web or on your mobile device to see exactly how long of a streak you’ve completed.

Here’s how I did the rest of the calculation.

Cell A6, A7, and A8 have variations on this formula:

=INT(A9 / (365.25))

That takes the number of days you’ve been sober and splits it into years.

Then, to get the number of months, use this formula:

=INT(MOD(A9, (365.25 * 12)) / 30.4)

And finally, you’ll use the following to calculate the remainder.

=MOD(MOD(A9, (365.25 * 12)), 30.4)

I’ve hidden these in the final version of the spreadsheet because there’s a cleaner way to present that data.

Hide the rows in your calculation to clean up the tracker.

In cell A5, I’m concatenating that data into a single sentence.

=CONCATENATE("That's ",A6," years, ",A7," months, and ",A8," days.")

Note that I have the letters, spaces, and punctuation inside my quotation marks. That tells Google Sheets this is a string.

Daily Routine Habit Tracker

Daily Habit Tracker Google Sheets screenshot

This habit tracker Google Sheets template was designed with two distinctive features in mind: Ease of use and an adaptable interface that works in landscape and portrait orientations.

Access Template

This daily habit tracker is free and has two sections. The first section shows the total of tracked days, the number of days the task was done, and a progress bar of your progress for the year.

The second section allows users to track habits (a maximum of five habits). Every day the user completes their habit, they can mark the task as done using a checkbox. You will also notice that towards the right, there is a column indicating the success rate with a percentage score and a progress bar that dynamically changes the color according to the completed tasks for the day.

When using this template in Sheets, I recommend entering the top five habits you want to track. The great thing about this template is its simplicity, making it the perfect tool for people who want a way to keep track of daily routines.

Monthly Habit Tracker

Monthly Habit Tracker Google Sheets Template

This monthly habit tracker template is great for tracking specific days to complete your tasks. This template allows you to organize and track your habits neatly while being a print-friendly template, so users can have a physical tracker to record their progress.

Access Template

The template is divided into 12 sections, each representing a month of the year. The top (colored) rows show the month, date, and day of the week. Additionally, I have included a progress bar that allows you to track your progress easily.

I created this template with simplicity in mind. That means you enter your habits in the January section when you open the template. The same monthly habits will automatically be copied to the next monthโ€™s section throughout the year so you can track your progress more efficiently.

Annual Habit Tracker

2024 Habit Tracker Google Sheets Template

I designed this free Google Sheets habit tracker template with an overview of the entire year in mind. The template features 12 separate sheets, one for each month of the year. Additionally, every sheet comprises four sections.

Access Template

The first section has a mini calendar with the dates in that specific month. Below the calendar are columns that track the total number of completed and incomplete habits. These values update automatically according to the habits you enter. Below the statistics is a donut chart that represents the visual values of the statistics above.

Towards the right side of the sheet, there is sufficient space for you to enter your habits, the time, date, and the status of the habit, which you can mark as complete using a checkbox. I recommend using this template if you have multiple tasks that you wish to track.

Related: The Best Google Sheets Budget Template

What Is a Habit Tracking Spreadsheet?

A Google Sheets habit tracker is a spreadsheet that tracks daily habits and activities. It allows users to organize their habits into easy-to-read rows so that users can track their progress more visually. Furthermore, tracking habits provides extra incentive to persevere while keeping people more motivated to continue doing activities and eventually making it a habit.

I’m trying to learn Swedish, so I like to use a daily habit trackerย in Sheets to track the days I have completed a lesson. This helps me stay on track and identify trends to improve my routine later.

Related: The Free Google Sheets Task List Template

Benefits of Using a Habit Tracker Google Sheets Template

There are many advantages to using a habit tracker template in Sheets. I have found it one of the most effective ways to evaluate my achievements over time while identifying any recurrent setbacks.

Additionally, here are some other reasons why I love about using a habit tracker:

1. Visibility

Habit tracker Google Sheets templates visually represent my habits, making it easier to see patterns, trends, and areas for improvement. Using a habit tracker increases my goal awareness while allowing me to stay focused on areas that need improvement.

2. Consistency

Consistency is key to forming new habits. Using a habit tracker Google Sheets template helps me establish a routine by encouraging me to do my tasks consistently and track my success streaks. The visual cues work as reminders to act and stay consistent.

3. Accessibility

Google Sheets can be accessed from any device with an internet connection, allowing me to track and update my habits from anywhere at any time. I can access my habit tracker using a mobile device or a PC, ensuring I stay on track with my goals and habits.

4. Reinforcement

Seeing proof of my progress provides positive reinforcement while boosting my confidence and motivation to continue working on my habits. Additionally, tracking my habits creates a sense of accountability as I see my progress or lack thereof. It motivates me further to continue my progress because I don’t want to break my streak.

Related: Google Sheets Workout Template

Features of a Google Sheets Habit Tracker Template

Multiple things can be included in a habit tracker template. Some of the ones I like to include are:

  1. Formulas: Whenever possible, I use formulas in my Google Sheets habit trackers to help me calculate streaks, completion rates, or averages based on my habit data.
  2. Tracking: The template should include a system for tracking habits over time, with columns for each day or week where I can mark whether I completed each habit or not.
  3. Customization: A habit tracker Google Sheets template allows me to input my specific habits into a list that I can customize based on my needs and goals.
  4. Data Representation:ย The template can include visual elements such as conditional formatting, charts, or graphs to help me visualize my habit data and progress.

If youโ€™re looking for how to make a habit tracker in Sheets, adding some features will ensure you create an intuitive and useful template.

Related: Google Sheets Expense Tracker

Habit Tracker Spreadsheet Video

Short on time? Check out my 2-minute video, which runs you through the features of all three habit tracker Google Sheets templates. Hit the play button now!

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”ptLLnOXy” upload-date=”2024-01-04T12:25:02.000Z” name=”Habit Tracker Spreadsheet Templates” description=”To make a habit tracker spreadsheet, you’ll want to track progress with an interactive interface. You should also include visual elements that show progress. Here are three habit tracking spreadsheet templates that do exactly that.” player-type=”default” override-embed=”default”]


As we step into a new year, what are some positive habits you hope to create? If you want to use one of my premade habit tracker Google Sheets templates, the easiest way to access them is to click โ€œFileโ€ and then โ€œMake a Copy.โ€ This will create a copy of my habit tracker Google Sheets templates in your Google account, allowing you to access them freely.

As mentioned earlier, if you are unsure which template best meets your requirements, access all of them and personalize them according to your needs. Additionally, feel free to share your techniques on how you maintain consistency. Leave your comments below, and let’s inspire others to smash goals by making positive changes!

Note that I also made a few RACI templates, which help with project management!

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