How To Delete a Slide on Google Slides [3 Methods]


Do you want to learn how to delete a slide on Google Slides? Do you need to streamline your presentation and get rid of unnecessary slides? In this guide, I’ll show you how to delete a slide on Google Slides quickly and easily.

In short, here is how to delete a slide on Google Slides: Right-click on the slide you want to remove and select “Delete slide” from the drop-down menu.

Alternatively, you can click on the slide and press the “Delete” button on your keyboard. This will remove the slide from your presentation and shift the remaining slides up or down accordingly.

Read on to learn the other methods on how to delete a slide on Google Slides and also how to delete multiple slides in Google Slides.

How To Delete a Slide On Google Slides

One of the essential skills you should know when working with Google Slides is how to delete a slide on Google Slides. Whether you accidentally added an extra slide or don’t need it anymore, deleting a slide is a simple task that can make your presentation more organized and concise.

There are several methods to do it. Let’s take a look at them one by one in more detail:

Method 1: Right-click on the Slide 

Here’s a quick method on how to delete a slide on Google Slides:

  1. Open the presentation in Google Slides
  2. Right-click the thumbnail of the slide you want to delete to select it. A menu will appear.
  3. Select “Delete” from the drop-down menu, and that’s it! The selected slide will now be deleted from the presentation.
How to delete a slide on Google Slides—delete a slide by left clicking

Method 2: Press the Delete Key

Here is another easy way to delete a slide in Google Sheets using your keyboard:

  1. Open the presentation in Google Slides and click the slide you want to delete
  2. Once the slide is selected, press the “Delete” key on your keyboard (this is the same on macOS too.
Delete a Slide on Google Slides using Delete key

Photo by Stefen Tan on Unsplash

Method 3: Use the “Delete” Option in the Toolbar

  1. Open the presentation in Google Slides and click on the slide you want to delete
  2. In the toolbar at the top of the screen, click on the “Slide” menu
  3. From the drop-down menu, select “Delete slide.”
Delete a Slide on Google Slides using Slide option

This method is effective if you don’t have a mouse or don’t want to use a keyboard shortcut.

If you want to make your slides more entertaining, here’s a guide on how to add GIFs to Google Slides.

Want to learn how to delete a slide on Google Slides in 2 minutes? Watch this video learn how to delete and skip a slide on Google Slides!

How To Delete a Slide on Google Slides App

Now that we’ve discussed the different methods to delete a slide on Google Slides using a desktop, let’s take a look at how to delete Google Slides using the Google Slides app. The process is slightly different, but it’s just as easy. Follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Google Slides app on your mobile device and open the presentation you want to edit
  2. Navigate to the slide you want to delete by swiping up or down
  3. Once you’ve found the slide you want to delete, tap on it to select it
Delete a Slide on Google Slides on smartphone
  1. Tap “Edit slide”
Delete a Slide on Google Slides on mobile
  1. Double-tap on the slide on the menu below
  2. Tap the “More options” button (three-dot icon)
Delete a Slide on Google Slides on Android
  1. Tap “Delete,” and the selected slide will now be deleted from your presentation.
Delete a Slide on Google Slides by tapping delete

How To Delete Multiple Slides in Google Slides

You can combine the methods we’ve discussed above to delete multiple slides in Google Slides. However, the easiest and most efficient way to delete multiple slides is by deleting multiple slides in one go.

Follow the steps below to delete multiple slides on Google Slides:

  1. Open the presentation in Google Slides
  2. In the left-hand panel, hold down the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard (or the “Command” ⌘ key on a Mac) and then click on the thumbnails of the slides you want to delete.
    • When you click on the slides, they should be highlighted.
  3. Once you have chosen all the slides you want to delete, right-click on one of the selected slides and click “Delete.”
Delete multiple slides on Google Slides


In the example above, I used the Ctrl key because it lets you select individual slides. When choosing consecutive slides, I use the Shift key ⇧, which lets me select from the first to the last slide that I want to delete, which is considerably faster than selecting slides individually.

And that’s all you need to know for mass deleting Google Slides slides!

How To Hide a Slide in Google Slides

Hiding a slide in Google Slides is a practical function for streaming the layout of your presentation. This helps to make your slides look good. There are two different ways to do this:

  • By right-clicking on the slide
  • By using the “Slide” menu

Using the Right-Click Method

To hide a slide in Google Slides using the right-click method, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Google Slides with the presentation you want to edit
  2. In the left sidebar, click on the slide you want to hide
  3. Right-click on the slide to open a context menu
  4. Select “Skip Slide”
How to hide a slide in Google Slides using the right click method

NOTE: If you don’t see the filmstrip in the sidebar, you can enable it by clicking the “View” menu and then “Show filmstrip.”

How to hide a slide in Google Slides—where to find "show filmstrip" in Google Slides

Using the “Slide” Menu

Here’s how to hide slides in Google Slides with the “Slide” menu:

  1. Open your Google Slides presentation
  2. Select the slide that you want to hide
How to hide a slide in the Google Slide menu
  1. Click on the “Slide” menu in the top menu bar
  2. Select “Skip slide” to hide the selected slide
How to hide a slide in Google Slides—where to find skip slide in Google Slides

Both methods will hide the selected slide during the presentation, but they’ll still be part of it (and can be unhidden later if needed).

Tip: To unhide a Google Slide, follow the same steps but choose “Unskip slide” instead.

How To Hide Multiple Slides in Google Slides

Instead of hiding a slide individually, Google Slides allows its users to hide multiple slides simultaneously. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Hold Ctrl (Windows, Chromebook, and Linux) or Command ⌘ (for Mac) to select the slides.
How to hide a slide in Google Slides—selecting multiple slides to hide in Google Slides
  1. Click the “Slide” menu, then “Skip Slides.”
How to hide a slide in Google Slides—how to skip multiple slides in Google Slides
  1. Alternatively, you can right-click on one of your selected slides and select “Skip slides” within the context menu.
How to hide a slide in Google Slides—right clicking to skip multiple slides in Google Slides

It is worth mentioning that while the process is simple, you’ll need to be careful when clicking which slides you want to hide. So, pay attention, or you might select a significant slide and accidentally ruin your presentation!

Advantages of Using Google Sides for Collaborative Work

In the modern remote work environment, Google Slides is an excellent tool for collaborative work because it can be shared with multiple users with minimal hassle.

Let’s take a closer look at some other benefits of using Google Slides as a group collaboration tool:

  • Real-time collaboration: Google Slides allows multiple people to simultaneously work on the same presentation. All changes one collaborator makes are immediately visible to the others, making it easier to work together while avoiding version control issues.
  • Easy to share: Sharing a Google Slides presentation is easy. The “Share” button is located in the screen’s top-right corner, making it simple to share with others. From there, you can enter the email addresses of the people with whom you wish to share the presentation, and they will receive an email invitation to view or edit the presentation.
  • Convenient revisions management: Keeping track of changes and revisions is essential when working on a project with multiple team members. Google Slides has a version history feature that lets you see who made the presentation changes and when. You can also revert to a previous version if necessary.
  • Seamless integration with Google tools: Google Slides integrates seamlessly with other Google tools, such as Google Drive, Google Docs, and Google Sheets. This integration makes incorporating other documents and data into your presentation quickly and efficiently.
  • Accessible on multiple devices: Google Slides is a cloud-based tool, meaning you and your colleagues can access your presentations from any device with an internet connection. This feature is perfect for remote teams collaborating from different locations and time zones.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Recover A Deleted Slide In Google Slides?

There are multiple ways to recover a deleted slide slide in Google Slides. For example, if you recently deleted the slide, you can use Ctrl + Z or Cmd + Z for MacOS devices.

Another way is using the version history feature:

  1. Click on the clock icon at the right of the menu
  2. Go to the version that had the deleted slide
  3. Copy the deleted slide
  4. Return to your current version
  5. Paste the contents of the deleted slide.

If you can’t find the slide in the version history, you can go to your drive and find the file in the trash folder.

What Is the Shortcut to Delete a Slide in Google Slides?

You can use a handy keyboard shortcut to delete slides in Google Slides. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Select the slide you want to delete by clicking its thumbnail in the left-hand panel
  2. Press the “Delete” or “Backspace” key on your keyboard

The slide will be deleted instantly without a confirmation dialog box. The Google Slides shortcut also works on Mac computers.

Why Can’t I Delete a Slide in Google Slides?

If you cannot delete a slide in Google Slides, there may be several reasons why this is happening. The most common reasons include:

  • You are not the presentation owner, or you do not have the necessary editing permissions. If you don’t have the proper access, you won’t be able to delete any of the slides.
  • There is only one slide in the presentation. Google Slides requires a minimum of one slide in a presentation, so if you try to delete the only slide, the program will not allow it. In this case, you can duplicate the slide and then delete the original to create a new presentation.
  • The slide contains a layout or a master element used by another slide in the presentation. In this case, you must remove the element or the layout from the other slide. Or learn how to remove a slide from Google Slides and remove the element from the duplicate.
  • Your internet connection is slow or unstable. If your internet connection is unstable, you will experience difficulty deleting slides or performing other functions in Google Slides. Try refreshing the page or waiting for your connection to stabilize before attempting to delete the slide again.


And that’s how to delete a slide on Google Slides! Deleting a slide is necessary when creating or editing a presentation, but ensure you have selected the correct slide to avoid accidentally deleting the wrong one.

Watch these G Suite courses for more tips and tricks when using other Google tools. Many courses are simplified, so you can learn something new even if you aren’t well-versed in the Google Suite platform.


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