How to Import Stock Prices into Google Sheets

To import Stock Prices into Google Sheets, use the File menu and select import. Then, upload your CSV file.

Where to Find Historical Stock Prices

While there are many places you can go to find up-to-date stock prices, I prefer to pull all of the data into a CSV file. That makes the rest of the import and data analysis much easier.

To find a CSV with historical stock prices, I use MarketWatch.

For today, let’s focus on RDDT. It’s still a new stock, as they just launched their IPO, and it might be fun to see what happens.

Here’s the page I used for this example.

On MarketWatch, use the download CSV option to get historical stock prices.

Note that you can choose start and end dates for this table, too. We’re limited when it comes to RDDT because the IPO was more recent than the start date. That’s why this table only shows dates back to March 21st.

Other Places to Find Historical Stock Data

If I didn’t use MarketWatch, I’d use NASDAQ. Both offer the ability to export your data into a CSV file. That’s what I use to upload historical stock prices.

Importing Stock Data into Google Sheets

Now that you’ve got your CSV file with historical stock prices, you can easily import them into Google Sheets.

To do this, click the FILE menu and then click “import”.

Use the file menu to find the option to import a CSV file.

You’ll be prompted with a window where you can drag your CSV file into Google Sheets.

There are other places to find historical stock prices, but not all of them allow you to export the data to CSV. If you want to follow along with this example using another source, here are a few other places where I found RDDT’s IPO stock data.

Here’s where to find it. Remember to click the upload tab so you get the option.

Click upload then drag your CSV file into the window

Not a fan of drag-and-drop? You can also use the “browse” button to manually select your file.

The next thing you’ll need to do is complete the data import. Here’s what you’ll see:

Leave the selections alone and click the import data button.

You don’t need to change the import location or separator type. And leave the box checked, so Google Sheets can automatically convert text to dates.

If you want to replace your current sheet with the newly imported data, you can do that too. Just change the “import location” dropdown.

Replace your existing sheet with the imported CSV data.

That’s optional though.

So click “Import Data” and you’ll see everything pop up in your spreadsheet.

Formatting Stock Data in Google Sheets

If you imported the CSV file with all of your historical stock data, you should see something like this.

Here's what your imported stock data looks like in Google Sheets.

It already looks pretty good, right? But we can make it look even better.

Add a chart to get an immediate visualization of your data, like we did with the RDDT IPO.

My video shows how to add a stock chart, built around the data you pulled in. You can also start using formulas, adding columns, and otherwise evaluating the data.

Evaluating Stock Data in Google Sheets

The best part about pulling historical stock data into your own spreadsheet is the ability to quickly evaluate it.

Formulas in Google Sheets help you quickly find the average open price, the median close price, or volume trends. They can also help you build much more complex dashboards.

For example, you might want to use my guide on comparing columns. You could also highlight data to specifically highlight prices above the median. I made a whole article about conditional formatting, which should help you get started.

Here’s a video I made that shows the whole process.


I hope you found this helpful. I wanted to show how quickly you could pull in data from the stock market. And this is just one way to do that. Remember that you can perform much more complicated evaluations with this data.

Consider using Python if you want to scrape data with even more depth across a wider variety of sites.

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