How to Add a Caption to an Image in Google Docs

Whether you’re working on a professional report, a school requirement, or a personal document, adding captions to your images on Google Docs can make your content easier to understand and more organized.

But knowing how to put a caption on a picture in Google Docsย can be a bit of a challenge, as the platform doesnโ€™t come with a built-in caption feature yet. Luckily, there are a few quick and easy ways to create text captions for your photos.

In this article, we will walk you through the steps on how to add a caption to an image in Google Docs, including using the drawing tool, a table, in-line text, or a Google Docs mobile app.

The simplest way to add a caption to an image in Google Docs is to insert your image into your document, select your image and choose the โ€œIn-line textโ€ icon. Then, point your cursor below your image and proceed to type your caption.

How to Add Images in Google Docs

Properly adding an image to your document is essential before knowing how to label an image in Google Docs. Hereโ€™s how to do it:

  1. First, launch Google Docs and open the document you want to add a caption to.
  1. Click on theย โ€œInsertโ€ menu. Selectย โ€œImage,โ€ย then choose from the following upload options:
    • Upload from your computer
    • Search the web
    • Upload from Google Drive
    • Upload from Google Photos
    • Upload from a URL
    • Upload from camera
Click Insert > Images, then select Upload from computer.


  1. Finally, select the image you want to upload and clickย โ€œOpenโ€ to add the image to your document.
Select the image you want to add to Google Docs


And thatโ€™s it! Youโ€™ve successfully added an image to your Google Document!

Inserted image in Google Docs

How to Add a Caption to an Image in Google Docs

Adding a caption to an image on your Google Document can help you provide context, make your document more accessible and readable, add to your documentโ€™s appeal, or give credit to the image source.

Here are three different methods you can use to add Google Docs image captionย in its web version:

Adding a Caption with the Drawing Tool

To add a caption to a photo in Google Docsย using the Drawing tool, simply follow the steps below:

  1. First, openย a new or existing document in Google Docs.
  1. On the main menu, click the โ€œInsertโ€ tab.
Clicking the Insert tab on the set of main menus


  1. Then, select โ€œDrawingโ€ > โ€œNew.โ€ย This will open a pop-up window. You can also select the โ€œFrom Driveโ€ option if you want to upload an existing drawing from Google Drive.
Drawing > New option with a plus sign as an icon.


  1. Insert your image in the โ€œDrawingโ€ย tool by clicking theย โ€œImageโ€ tool. Once uploaded, your image will appear in the Drawing tool window. You can then crop, resize, or move your image.
Add a new image button


  • You can drag and drop an image from your desktop into the pop-up window.
  • You can also choose to upload from your existing files, import by URL, select from Google Photos or Google Drives, or by making a Google search.
Insert image options


  1. Then, select the โ€œText Boxโ€ย tool and click on the space of the Drawing pop-up window where you want to place your text box.
Insert a textbox by clicking the icon with a T icon


  1. Next, enter your caption text.
Add your caption in the text box


  • You can also edit your font style by selecting the text you want to change and clicking the toolbar on the pop-up window where you can change its text alignment, font family, font colors, and font style, among others.
  • You can also click the triple vertical dot menu to check other options for editing.
  1. Once youโ€™re done with all your changes, click the โ€œSave and Closeโ€ย button.
Save and Close button of the Drawing tool


And thatโ€™s it! Your image and the caption are now linked as a single image element. You can also change the size and rotation, as well as the text wrapping of your image.

Image with a caption at the bottom

Adding a Caption by Using In-line Text

Using in-line text involves adding plain text that aligns with your image. However, the main disadvantage of this method is that your caption will not be linked to your image, so whenever you move your image, you have to ensure that your caption is not affected.

To add a caption to an image in Google Docs using in-line text, hereโ€™s what you should do:

  1. First, open a new or existing document in Google Docs.
  1. Insert your image by clicking on โ€œInsertโ€ย from the menu and selecting โ€œImage,โ€ย then โ€œUpload from computer.โ€

Note: You can either upload your image or just drag and drop your image from your desktop into Google Docs.

Click Insert > Images, then select Upload from computer.


  1. Next, click the image you inserted. A toolbar should appear on the bottom part of the image. Select the โ€œIn-lineโ€ย icon among the text wrapping options available.
Select In-line text wrapping


  1. After that, enter your caption at the bottom of your image.
Write the caption below the image inserted.


Note: For longer captions, the text will follow your documentโ€™s margins by default. To change this, select your caption text and adjust the blue arrows on the top ruler.

Blue arrows on the ruler to adjust the margin of your text.


  • You can also change the font style, alignment, and size of your caption by selecting the text and using the tools on the main toolbar.
Edit your text style by using the different tools on the toolbar

Adding a Caption with a Table

Adding a Google Docs image captionย with a table is useful since itโ€™s easy to modify, customize, and design.

To create a caption using a table in Google Docs, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Open a new or existing document in Google Docs.
  1. Position your cursor on the part of your document where you want to place your table.
  1. Next, select theย โ€œInsertโ€ menu, click โ€œTableโ€ and choose the โ€œ1 x 2โ€ format table.
Click Insert, then click Table and choose the 1 x 2 format table.


  1. Insert your image on the first row of the table you just created. Click the โ€œInsertโ€ย tab, then chooseย โ€œImageโ€ > โ€œUpload from computerโ€ to upload an image into the table.
Click Insert > Images, then select Upload from computer.


  • Make sure your cursor is inside the first row of your table. This way, your image will be inserted in the cellย of the table.
  1. On the second row of the table, enter your caption.
Write the caption on the second row of your table.
  • You can also change your text styles by highlighting the text and choosing among the options on the main menu.
Enter text in customized table under image


  1. Edit the design of your table by right-clicking on your table and clicking โ€œTable properties.โ€
Right-click on the table and select Table properties.


Using the toolbar, you can customize the tableโ€™s row, column, alignment, and color.

Table properties: Row, Column, Alignment, Color


  1. If you want to make the border invisible, click theย โ€œColorโ€ section under Table properties. Then, on the drop-down menu, set the table border thickness to โ€œ0 pt.โ€
Set the Table border width to 0 pt


After that, you will see that the table is now invisible.

Invisible table with image


If you’re looking to add a caption to your charts or graphs in Google Docs, you may also find it useful to save your chart as an image using Google Sheets. Check out this tutorial on how to save a chart as an imageย for step-by-step instructions.

How to Add a Caption in the Google Docs App

When working with the Google Docs app on your phone or tablet, you can also use the methods we mentioned on how to add image captions. Google Docs, however, does not have the Drawing tool for the iOS or Android apps and is only available on the Google Docs web version.

Here are different ways on how to label a picture in the Google Docsย mobile app:

Adding a Caption with a Table

Adding a caption to your images using a table is a quick and easy method to do on your mobile app. To get started, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. First, launch the Google Docs app on your mobile device, and open the document you want to add a caption to
  2. Select the โ€œPlusโ€ icon on the top-right corner of your document
Click the plus sign on the main toolbar.


  • Make sure to position your cursor on the part of your document where you want to place your table.
  1. On the expanded menu, tapย โ€œTable.โ€
Insert a table


  1. Chooseย โ€œ1โ€ for Columns andย โ€œ2โ€ for Rows. After that, tap the โ€œInsert Tableโ€ button.
Insert Table


  1. On the first row of the table you just created, insert your image by selecting the โ€œ+ iconโ€ > โ€œImage.โ€ Then,ย choose whether to upload โ€œFrom photosโ€ orย โ€œFrom camera.โ€ย After that, select your image and tapย โ€œAdd.โ€
Select an image > the Add button


  • If you want to resize your image, tap on the vertical three dots icon on the top-right corner of the page to access the menu. Then, turn the toggle on for โ€œPrint layout.โ€
Toggle the Print layout on to resize your image.


  1. On the second row of the table, enter your caption.
Write your caption on the second row of your table.


  1. Edit the border of your table by selecting your table and tapping theย โ€œBordersโ€ icon on the toolbar located at the bottom of your screen.
Select your table and tap the Borders icon on the toolbar


  • You can select your table by tapping on the border of your table. This will be indicated by a blue border surrounding your table.
Blue border


  1. If you want to make the border invisible, click the โ€œBorder widthโ€ option and set the table border thickness toย โ€œ0 pt.โ€
Select 0pt border width to make the table invisible.

Adding a Caption by Using an In-line Text

Using in-line text is another option to add a caption to an image. Google Docs features different text wrapping options, but this method can be useful for simple documents where you want to keep things straightforward.

Hereโ€™s how you can add a caption to your image using in-line text:

  1. First, launch the Google Docs app on your mobile device, and open the document you want to add a caption to
  1. Next, select the โ€œPlus (+)โ€ icon on the main menu.
Click the plus sign on the main toolbar.


  1. Select Image. Then, choose whether to upload โ€œFrom photosโ€ or โ€œFrom camera.โ€
Select Image From photos or From camera.


  1. Choose your image and tap โ€œAdd.โ€
Select an image > Add button


  1. If you want to resize your image, tap on the vertical three dots icon on the top-right corner of the page to access the menu. Then, toggle onย โ€œPrint layout.โ€
Toggle the Print layout on to resize your image.


  1. Next, select your image and tap the โ€œText wrapโ€ icon at the bottom right side of the screen.
Choose the text wrapping icon


  1. Set the text wrapping to โ€œIn-line.โ€
Select In-line text wrapping


  1. Finally, enter your caption text below the image.
Write the caption just below the inserted image on the document.

Final Thoughts

Adding a Google Docs image caption can make your content more informative, organized, and professional-looking. While Google Docs does not currently have an in-built feature for adding captions, there are several easy and creative ways to do so, including using the Drawing tool, in-line text, and tables.

By following the simple steps outlined above, you can create and customize captions for your images in Google Docs in no time.


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